the company

A Family Business at the Heart of Aveyron

the specialist
DEVOTED TO THE CARE OF farmers and their herds

Our specialisation has enabled us, over 49 years, to gain significant experience and to now offer highly technical products aimed at enhancing your daily work comfort.

Our product range is currently the most extensive on the market for feeding, milking of sheep, goats, and cattle, as well as for bedding. We also provide an after-sales service to ensure impeccable, swift, and efficient support 7 days a week, 24 hours a day.

for feeding
your animals

Transform the feeding of your animals into an intelligent and efficient experience with our range of Automated Agricultural Equipment.

for milking
your animals

Revolutionise your farm management with our agricultural equipment, offering efficient and technologically advanced milking.

international recognition

Located in Baraqueville, in the Roquefort basin, Aveyron, Albouy Equipment's reputation extends far beyond French borders. Today, it is a key international player in the design and manufacture of livestock equipment for feeding, milking, and bedding..


One of our company's main strengths, coupled with our close relationship with customers, allows us to offer customised solutions that meet client expectations